Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Alternate Bibliotherapy for Frankenstein’s Monster free essay sample

The Alternate Bibliotherapy for Frankenstein’s Monster The technique of bibliotherapy is one that can be very beneficial to those struggling with personal identity and confidence issues. It has also been a proven way to aid depressed individuals back to mental stability. But in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, the Creature ends up with a poor collection of â€Å"helpful† content. He stumbles upon three works: Goethe’s Sorrows of Werter, Plutarch’s Lives, and Milton’s Paradise Lost. Upon reading these books, the Creature forms a predisposition against his creator Victor and the rest of society who have rejected him. In The Sorrows of Werter, it tells of a man who strives to win the heart of a married friend but later ends up taking his own life in sorrow and loneliness. The happening that the monster got a hold of this work is just as detrimental to dropping a match into a container of gasoline. We will write a custom essay sample on The Alternate Bibliotherapy for Frankenstein’s Monster or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This very novel was infamous for driving hundreds of Europeans to ending their own lives after reading this. Which supports the reason why the Creature ends up taking his own life. A more reasonable choice for the Creature to read would be one of the self-help genre. Despite the time period of this story, this type of literature would be most beneficial to a depressed individual, especially when lacking any sense of direction or leading. Books such as Stop Worrying and Start Living or The End of Rejection would give the monster incite on how to overcome the feeling of rejection and abandonment. Although some see these works as hoaxes, it would be a far more constructive influence then Goethe’s. The purpose of Plutarch’s classic work Parallel Lives was to plant qualities within the reader’s mind. Many believe this is how the monster gains a conscience shown in the conclusion of the story. But Plutarch expounds on battles and bloodshed, which reflected a negative effect on the Creature’s mindset. If the monster were seeking to find ethics and morals, it should have read and studied God’s Word. His Scripture is a foundational and fundamental basis for all of human morality and a divine instruction that every person, or monster, must comprehend to understand the meaning of life and love. Reflecting on Milton’s Paradise Lost, one could conclude that the Creature has simply taken the wrong point of view. It associates itself with the character of Satan, obviously an unfavorable connection. If only the monster could view the story with the same outlook that Adam had in the end when faced with the revelation of Christ’s pardon as a future sacrifice. Notwithstanding the expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise, Adam still found hope in the redemption God’s Son would bring in the future to mankind. I would still recommend that the Creature read this work the understanding of Christ’s love and sacrifice in the end despite the unfolding of deception and transgressions. This may enable the Creature to grasp the concept of forgiveness and express it toward its negligent creator. With these various choices in literary works, both modern and classic, one would be able to alter the character of the Creature and even the entirety of the story. Thus going to show the fate of the monster finding the original three works ignited the initial fury and vengeance, which drove the Creature on a vendetta throughout the tragic story.

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