Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Religion Is The Best Perspective Of Morality And Ethical...

In the eyes of many, religion plays a significant variable in the choice we make. The circumstances and actions seen as acceptable are based off of a set of divine commandments taught to the people. Religion is very influential in what laws are adapted in countries. Rather we think so or not, law and religion go hand and hand in many ways. Our morals let us decide what is right or wrong, and many moral beliefs are based on that adapted set of commands taught to us in a specific religion. These morals are universal at times. Religion provides a strong basis to what is morally permissible to the human race. Many beliefs are similar in multiple cultural and religious groups. The system of laws created to contain order in countries fall into many divine commands. Why can’t religion be the guide to moral correctness? Religion provides the best perspective of morality and ethical decisions. Many moral values are obtained from a combination of religions. An article written by Dr. George Tsakiridis of South Dakota College, George Washington and Religion, stated that one of our founding fathers, George Washington, was Christian. The beliefs helped to shape the nation we call home today. â€Å"In God We Trust†, a statement that is the basis to patriotism our country holds. Freedom of religion, an amendment written for the people by the people. Our nation and many more were built off of many different religions that still remain the basis to their culture and community. Moral argumentsShow MoreRelatedA Business Journal On Ethics1140 Words   |  5 Pagesthe dichotomy of church and state increases in its separation. However, these advancements do not delete the moral dilemma man faces daily. Man no longer looks towards a higher power as a source of reason, truth, and morality, but rather looks to him/herself, basing their decisions on fallible human reasoning. 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Often times, American citizens expresses their right of freedoms to enhance their own sense of ethics or relativity. In defining relativism, moral principles are a matter of personal feelings andRead MoreEthical Decision Making Paper745 Words   |  3 PagesEthical Decision Making Paper What are ethics and how do they affect decision-making? According to the Santa Clara University, [Â…] [E]thics refers to well based standards of right and wrong [Â…]. Ethics are not the same as religion, but Religion can set high ethical standards and can provide intense motivations for ethical behavior (Santa Clara University). What about the law? There can be a law in place, but that does not necessarily mean that the law is ethical. An example could be that SanRead MoreEthics As A Textbook Definition Of Ethics Essay1129 Words   |  5 PagesJones Sontag, Becker and Fogelin (1969) define ethics as â€Å"the attempt to state and evaluate principles by which ethical problems may be solved.† (Cooper, p.1). While Cooper (p.1) refers to this as a textbook definition of ethics, it is nonetheless accurate and concise. Preston (1996) describes ethics as being concerned with â€Å"what is right, fair, just or good; about what we ought to do† (Cooper, p. 1-2). Preston’s definition is succinct and to the point. Ethics really is about allowing what is rightRead MoreEthical Ethics And Normative Ethics1078 Words   |  5 Pagesderive a normative ethic, meta-ethics needs to explain the language of morality, and how do humans come to a consensus of specific actions and thoughts. Ethics, by short definition, is how we (humans) relate to other beings (humans, animals, environment, etc.). Language such as, â€Å"right†, â€Å"wrong†, â€Å"good†, â€Å"bad†, and â€Å"obligation† are defined in different ways by different people, cultures, and religions. Once the nature of the ethical language is described, normative ethics can then start to be judge theRead MoreNormative Ethics : A Theory Or System Of Moral Values1356 Words   |  6 Pagesthe standards for h uman conduct. Utilitarianism is a perspective of normative ethics, which focuses on consequences. The utilitarianism perspective regarding morality emphasizes that when making ethical decisions; we should choose to do whatever will result in the greatest good, taking all of mankind into consideration. The â€Å"moral thing to do† under this framework is choosing to do whatever makes the world a better place. Another perspective of normative ethics is rights and duties. Rights and

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