Thursday, November 28, 2019
Right18000 Essays - Education, Behavior Modification, Learning
right18000 How to Help all Students Succeed Chapter 7: First Days of SCHOOL Kadeejah M. Johnson | Managing the Diverse Classroom | October 17, 2016 Unit B: The First Characteristic The most important day of any one's education is the first day of school. One student drops out of school every 27 seconds. Celebrating the first day is and should be a tradition of every educational system. A celebration should include parents and the business community; amongst the neighborhood as well. Welcome the children to school; student's comet to school with high expectations. The most influential time is that of meeting friends, participating, having fun, studying and learn. Everyon e inside the school should focus on planning the students welcome to school. The most successful venture of this is that young people become interrelated and express community team effort. There should be a list of the guidelines to follow in sense preparation. Teaching and s howing our students allows us as teachers to be open to the responsibility for one another and what we hope to gain from the school year. School is a unique place they are instantly where students come to listen to teachers. School is a concept at which students are welcome to learn and broaden the quality of their lives. The greatest gift is to give the opportunity to learn and grow in a loving and nurturing environment.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Discontinued Element Symbols
Discontinued Element Symbols This is a list of element symbols and names that are placeholders for final names or else are no longer in use. This list does not include element symbols or names that remain in use regionally, such as aluminum/aluminium or iodine/jod. A - Argon (18) Current symbol is Ar. Ab - Alabamine (85) Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. Am - Alabamium (85) Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. An - Athenium (99) Proposed name for einsteinium. Ao - Ausonium (93) Discredited claim to discovery of neptunium. Az - Azote (7) Former name for nitrogen. Bv - Brevium (91) Former name for protactinium. Bz - Berzelium (59) Suggested name for praseodymium. Cb - Columbium (41) Former name of niobium. Cb - Columbium (95) Suggested name for americium. Cp - Cassiopeium (71) Former name for lutetium. Cp is the symbol for element 112, Copernicium Ct - Centurium (100) Proposed name for fermium. Ct - Celtium (72) Former name of hafnium. Da - Danubium (43) Suggested name for technetium. Db - Dubnium (104) Proposed name for rutherfordium. The symbol and name were used for element 105. Eb - Ekaboron (21) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, scandium closely matched the prediction. El - Ekaaluminium (31) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, gallium closely matched the prediction. Em - Emanation (86) Also called radium emanation, the name was originally given by Friedrich Ernst Dorn in 1900. In 1923, this element officially became radon (the name given at one time to 222Rn, an isotope identified in the decay chain of radium). Em - Ekamangan (43) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, technetium closely matched the prediction. Es - Ekasilicon (32) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, germanium closely matched the prediction. Es - Esperium (94) Discredited claim to discovery of plutonium. Fa - Francium (87) Current symbol is Fr. Fr - Florentium (61) Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. Gl - Glucinium (4) Former name of beryllium. Ha - Hahnium (105) Proposed name for dubnium. Ha - Hahnium (108) Proposed name for hassium. Il - Illinium (61) Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. Jg - Jargonium (72) Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. Jo - Joliotium (105) Proposed name for dubnium. Ku - Kurchatovium (104) Proposed name for rutherfordium. Lw - Lawrencium (103) Current symbol is Lr. M - Muriaticum (17) Former name of chlorine. Ma - Masurium (43) Disputed claim to discovery of technetium. Md - Mendelevium (97) Proposed name for berkelium. The symbol and name were later used for element 101. Me - Mendelevium (68) Suggested name for erbium. Ms - Masrium (49) Discredited claim of discovery of indium. Mt - Meitnium (91) Suggested name for protactinium. Mv - Mendelevium (101) Current symbol is Md. Ng - Norwegium (72) Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. Ni - Niton (86) Former name for radon. No - Norium (72) Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. Ns - Nielsbohrium (105) Proposed name for dubnium. Ns - Nielsbohrium (107) Proposed name for bohrium. Nt - Niton (86) Suggested name for radon. Ny - Neoytterbium (70) Former name of ytterbium. Od - Odinium (62) Suggested name for samarium. Pc - Policium (110) Proposed name for darmstadtium. Pe - Pelopium (41) Former name for niobium. Po - Potassium (19) Current symbol is K. Rf - Rutherfordium (106) Proposed name for seaborgium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 104. Sa - Samarium (62) Current symbol is Sm. So - Sodium (11) Current symbol is Na. Sp - Spectrium (70) Suggested name for ytterbium. St - Antimony (51) Current symbol is Sb. Tn - Tungsten (74) Current symbol is W. Tu - Thulium (69) Current symbol is Tm. Tu - Tungsten (74) Current symbol is W. Ty - Tyrium (60) Suggested name for neodymium. Unb - Unnilbium (102) Temporary name given to nobelium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Une - Unnilennium (109) Temporary name given to meitnerium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unh - Unnilhexium (106) Temporary name given to seaborgium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uno - Unniloctium (108) Temporary name given to hassium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unp - Unnilpentium (105) Temporary name given to dubnium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unq - Unnilquadium (104) Temporary name given to rutherfordium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uns - Unnilseptium (107) Temporary name given to bohrium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unt - Unniltrium (103) Temporary name given to lawrencium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unu - Unnilunium (101) Temporary name given to mendelevium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uub - Ununbium (112) Temporary name given to copernicium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uun - Ununnilium (110) Temporary name given to darmstadtium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uuu - Unununium (111) Temporary name given to roentgenium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Vi - Virginium (87) Discredited claim to discovery of francium. Vm - Virginium (87) Discredited claim to discovery of francium. Yt - Yttrium (39) Current symbol is Y. Placeholder names basically express the atomic number of an element. These names are replaced by official names once the IUPAC verifies the element discovery and approves a new name and element symbol.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
New Business Start Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
New Business Start Up - Essay Example As they are planning to introduce a totally new product and brand to consumers, they are anxious about the consumers' response and reaction. For that detailed survey was carried out. It must be notified that Radiant Co. products target skin conscious people of upper middle and upper class. Sample size focused on age groups of 15 onwards. The Survey primarily focused on age level between 15-25 because sun protection and beauty conscious people are mostly found in this age group. But other age groups were also explored to know their behavior. In the soap market many brands dominate the scene, making their presence felt in one way or the other either through aggressive advertising or promotional schemes. LUX dominates the soap market through its outstanding market share, as supported by the survey result its market domination is 51%. LUX with periodical revitalization of its brand has kept the product in the British for a long period of time. Therefore, LUX appears to be the major competition for Hibuty in the soap industry, especially when one of its soap is providing sunscreen formula as an additive feature. Next stands SAFEGUARD, with 23% market share. SAFEGUARD is gaining a lot of popularity as a medicated soap fighting germ all- round -the- clock. There is a future threat to Hibuty of its emerging as a new competitor, although not a direct one as SAFEGUARD presents itself as medicated rather a sun protective soap. Other soaps include Nivea Milk, English Lavender, Safeguard, Lifebouy and Dove. Most Influencing Factors in Soap Purchasing The major influencing factor of potential Hibuty customers, in making their purchasing decision for soap is GOOD QUALITY. 60% of the market gives performance of the soap a priority when buying it. Second most influencing factor determining their soap purchasing decision is brand loyalty with 25% of the market getting affected by it. Third factor being again brand loyalty (23%), fourth most influencing factor is easy availability (30%); fifth most affecting factor is less price (36.5%). Least most influencing factor is status of soap marked as imported (50%). Survey reveals that soap purchasing decision in not at very much influenced by foreign status of the soap. The survey shows that there is opportunity for any soap that offer good quality at reasonable price, potential customers of Hibuty are not very price conscious as they consider LESS PRICE option among the least influencing factors list. Commonly found skin type Survey purports that most common skin type found is oily with 40% of the customers having it. Normal skin types consist of 32% of the market, t-zone or combination skin (13%), sensitive (5%). Preference of fragrance in
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