Saturday, December 28, 2019

How to Write a Personal Essay about Life

When being assigned with the task to submit a personal essay about life, make sure you know what you have to deal with. If you take a look at a personal essay example about life, you will find out that your task is to complete an autobiographical paper. It is highly important to realize in what way one should produce an essay of this type. First thing to stick to is the fact that a personal essay about life is supposed to be fascinating, so keep your reader’s attention from the first word till the very last one. There are certain tips available for you to generate a professionally written essay about your life. Start with picking the right theme for the project. When dealing with a personal essay, you have an opportunity to build up your own chronological order in order to show your inner emotions in the most favorable light. It is important to give preference to one specific event from the past days and use it as a theme. Generate a solid outline for the personal essay. Use just several descriptive words in order to describe every step that highlights the chosen event. Thus, you will have an opportunity to bring all of your thoughts together and make sure the content flows smoothly. Prepare a rough draft of the paper on the basis of all the steps you have written in the outline. Broaden every step with 2-3 paragraphs to create the â€Å"body† of your personal project. It is up to you to choose whether to work out an introductive section right now or you can simply leave it until the moment when the essay is done and then add it. Open up an introductive paragraph with an anecdote, which in this or that way is related to you or reflects a certain event from your past. As for the concluding paragraph of the essay, make sure it does not leave your audience hanging with inquiring eyes and thoughts like, â€Å"†¦.and?!†. Remember, you’re not creating a Hollywood blockbuster and there will be no sequels! Spell checker is your friend and make sure to take the best out of it! In case you make use of a PC, a spell check is the most convenient and the fastest way to proofread your memoirs. Don’t forget to provide your project with applicable and attention-grabbing title.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Judicial System of the Salem Witch Trials - 803 Words

The following paper will best explain the judicial system used during the Salem Witch Trials, a series of hearings over a witchcraft scare that took place from June through September of 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts. The writer shall include a brief history of the events, explain the judicial system of the Trials, and give detail to what methods were used to determine fate of a victim. Additionally, the writer will explain how the Trials were based on false views that were not supported. The Trials began soon after a few young girls living in Salem began throwing unexplainable and spontaneous tantrums that consisted of sudden falling, screaming and crying in agony, and a loss of voice. After the girls had been questioned by their parents†¦show more content†¦In Conclusion, the unjust judicial system of the Trials had taken away nineteen innocent lives, and imprisoned even more. The system favored the afflicted and was based solely on his or her word; it clearly did not justify the actions of the young girls, and still would not have if the girls had actually been afflicted, for the reason that there was a lack of evidence. Furthermore, within the Trials were a series of faulty tests derived from superstitious beliefs that only helped support the fallacy of the whole event. Works Cited Linder, Douglas. Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692. Famous American Trials. Mar. 2007. UMKC School of Law. 24 Sept. 2008 Microsoft. Salem Witch Trials. MSN Encarta. 2008. Microsoft. 24 Sept. 2008Show MoreRelatedJohn Hale1111 Words   |  5 PagesA crucible is defined as a severe trial or a container in which metals are melted at very high temperatures. Much like how metals mold to a new shape at very high temperatures, people change when severe trials and challenges present themselves. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Proactive Phases of Managing Risks Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Proactive Phases of Managing Risks. Answer: Introduction Risks are integral part of human being n the modern world.Risk management is a proactive phases of managing risks in the business and society. There are various risks involved in the tourism, hospitality and events. For example, risks might be natural calamities including earthquake, volcano and tsunami. A risk is a future harm in any of these sectors discussed in the essay. The various dilemmas of therisk management are provided that helps in understanding different styles of management of risk. Risk management is the process of eradicating risks in various sector of the business (Kotseva et al., 2016). The main objective of the riskmanagement is to minimize the errors and risks in the business sectors. This essay deals with the various risks involved in the tourism, hospitality and events. Processes explainedvarious risk management in all these sectors. The legal dilemma involved in the risk management is discussed in the essay. The impact of the legal issues has been shown in the essay. This essay outlines overall risk management involved in the three sectors. This essay includes the impact of the ethical issues on the risk management. The sustainability of the risk management and its importance has been reflected in the essay. Legal Dimension of Risk Management In the modern world, the perspective of the government has changed from creating benefits to removing risks and harm. This change in the perspective of the government has helped in managing the risk involved in the business organization. The mentioned three sectors including tourism, hospitality and events has various types of risks and legal concern to protection. Various legal rules and acts help in managing the risks in the sectors. For example, The Data Protection Act 1998 compiles with the protection of the personal data and information of the individual in the tourism, hospitality and event sector (Yokoe et al., 2014). The tourism sector mainly has risks regarding the natural casualty including storm, cyclone, earthquake and landslide. Therefore, many natural disaster acts help in minimizing the risks. Victoria State Emergency Service Act 2005 helps during any kind of emergency in the tourism and event sector (Fren?, Niculescu Trif?nescu, 2016). The Equality Act 2010 provides equality in the employee of the hospital and hotel and minimizes the practice of discrimination based on sex, caste, religion and disability (Becken Hughey, 2013). There are risk agencies in the sectors that prioritize the legal issues in the market. The board of directors and stakeholders are responsible to implement various legal authorities in their organization that helps in maintaining a proper risk free environment in the organization. The stakeholders are provided the right to manage and reduce the risk involved in the management. On the other hand, Panwar, Uniyal Rautela, (2016) argued that the stakeholders are not able to change the management, as they are busy in other works including managing the sales and service of the company. This can be achieved by implementing the risk assessment factors in the management of the company. They generally focus on implementing n the various strategies of eradicating the risk from the organization. The hospitality and event sector depends on the quality service provided to the users that includes the risk in the providing wrong services to the customers (Olya Alipour, 2015). The laws and rights helps in controlling all these illegal activities in the hotels, hospitals and event org anizations including child labour and sex tourism. The standards of the corporate governance are either directly or indirectly included in the risk management of the company. Companies in these sectors are free to involve in the risk management affairs in the market. The legal authorities have helped in maintaining the risk assessment in the organization by introducing different strategies including the employee engagement and customer satisfaction. As argued by Sadgrove (2016), the local authorities are not properly working for the benefit of the organization and ignoring the local laws of maintaining the risk management in the organization. The management of company does the mitigation and reduction of the risk management in the tourism, hospitality and event sector. As commented by Gssling, (2015), the review of the risk management in the companies is catastrophic events that require a risk free environment in the society. These legal issues in the risk management are based n the government rules and regulations that helps in reducing different risks in the organization. The tourism industry has been critical to various levels of risks as discussed earlier. As argued by Tsai LinLiu, (2017), these legal issues are still prevailing in these sectors causing risks to the lives of the tourists. The hospitality sector including hospitals have the risks of providing wrong medicines and services to the patients in hospital. The tourism sector has to focus on the service provided by them and reduce the risk involving in the tourist places. Ethical Dimension of Risk Management Potential risks are lurking behind every sector in the society. These risks are acceptable by the society in order to satisfy the lucrative scenarios of the society (Kotseva et al., 2016). Risk management is extended to the ethical dilemmas to the various sectors in the society. It is more prudent for investing in the risk management and identifying the resources to interplay with the corporate ethics and culture (Olya Alipour, 2015). The tourism, hospitality and event sector has been prudent towards the ethics in their sector. The ethical dilemma is creating a lot of risk in the sector. The Standard Model of the risk management provides a cost-benefit model to implement the strategies of the risk management in the sectors. Therefore, risk management has a sharp edge dimension in the ethical issues of the sector. The identification of the internal and external ethics and values in these sectors has been an important element in maintaining the risk management in the sectors. The risk assessment policies in the ethical background in the tourism sector have been preferred with bad behaviours with the tourists and child labour (Hopkin, 2017). These ethical issues have been prevailing in the hotels in the tourist sector and hospital. The child labour is prominent in the hospitals and hotels that have been a prominent issue in the risk management. The risk of losing their life during working at a low age has been prevailing in the society. These ethical issues have been allowing different illegal activities in the society. As commented by Cole, Gin Vickery (2017), there are various legislations and acts to protect these type of unethical activities. The Child Labour Act has been continuously working for the growth of these child labours and providing them a bright future. There are different tourists from different countries observes the child labour prevailing the country. The child works for all day causing health issues to them. This law has been successful in minimizing the risks in the society (Sweeting, 2017). The events in the hotels and lodges have been conquered with sex tourism. Activities found sex tourism in the hotels in tourist spots. Therefore, it is causing an illegal impact on the tourism industry. The critics related to the risks in the tourism, hospitality and event sector has been argued by the cost-benefit model to understand the violation of the accounting process in the risk management. On the other hand, Vlachopoulos et al., (2017) argued that, these principles are generally involved in the reckless environment of the society. According to Glendon, Clarke McKenna, (2016), information related to the risk management has been regulated to the educational and employment basis to eradicate the risks evolving in these sectors. For example, The Great Nuclear Accident happened in Fukushima, Japan on 11th March 2011 of magnitude of 9.0.The earthquake and tsunami was triggered at same time causing huge damage to the lives of Japan (Hopkin, 2017). Therefore, there are many risks in such places for the natural calamities. These ethical dilemmas are provoking the limits of the risk management. The ethical issues were not maintained at that time in Japan that has caused a huge damage to the lives of the people nearby. The management in that area was not ready for this kind of accident. They have not analysed the level of risks involved in that place. The risk management at the place was poor that causes huge loss. Sustainability Dimension of Risk Management Sustainability refers to the process of sustaining in a condition by an individual to mitigate the economic social and cultural factors in the environment. The stakeholders and group members of the organization ingress sectors are sustainable to the risk management technique. There are various elements of the sustainability framework including economic, environmental and social (Aven, 2016). The ability of the organization in these sectors to survive in the market depends on the economic conditions of the company. The financial department of the company in these sectors manages these risks. A sustainable business in transparent to the customers and provide flexible operations in the management. For example, The general manager of a private club pleaded guilty of stealing $2million from the club management by illegal activities. The management of the club has not proper financial record of the cheques and money in th club that has causes the fraud case in the club (Kotseva et al., 201 6). The risks of hacking was not properly analysed and the incident happened. The ability of the company to produce quality goods and service in the market deals with the environmental factors. The tourism sectors consist of having pollution free environment in the places and making it energy conservation spot. This helps in maintaining the risk management in that area. As argued by Tsai LinLiu, (2017), the hospitality sector including hospitals requires to be clean that mitigate the risks of other diseases to the patients. The event management company needs to focus in their waste management criteria that mitigate the risks of food waste and untidy environment. Conclusion It can be concluded that risk management is important in these sectors to mitigate the risks involved. The legal issues of risk management involve different legal acts that help in maintaining the legal issues in the society. The Data Protection Act 1998 has helped in providing security to the personal information. The ethical issues of the society including child labour and sex tourism has been analysed by the risk management.The sustainability dimension of the risk management includes different elements that helps in eradicating the risks evolved in the various sector of the society. References Aven, T. (2016). Risk assessment and risk management: Review of recent advances on their foundation.European Journal of Operational Research,253(1), 1-13. Becken, S., Hughey, K. F. (2013). Linking tourism into emergency management structures to enhance disaster risk reduction.Tourism Management,36, 77-85. Cole, S., Gin, X., Vickery, J. (2017). How does risk management influence production decisions? Evidence from a field experiment.The Review of Financial Studies,30(6), 1935-1970. Fren?, C., Niculescu, A., Trif?nescu, R. (2016). Risk And Risk Management: Theoretical Considerations And Some Applications In Tourism.Romanian Economic Business Review,11(4.1), 80-85. Glendon, A. I., Clarke, S., McKenna, E. (2016).Human safety and risk management. Crc Press. Gssling, S. (2015). New performance indicators for water management in tourism.Tourism Management,46, 233-244. Hopkin, P. (2017).Fundamentals of risk management: understanding, evaluating and implementing effective risk management. Kogan Page Publishers. Kotseva, K., Wood, D., De Bacquer, D., De Backer, G., Rydn, L., Jennings, C., ... Cfkov, R. (2016). EUROASPIRE IV: A European Society of Cardiology survey on the lifestyle, risk factor and therapeutic management of coronary patients from 24 European countries.European journal of preventive cardiology,23(6), 636-648. Olya, H. G., Alipour, H. (2015). Risk assessment of precipitation and the tourism climate index.Tourism Management,50, 73-80. Panwar, N., Uniyal, D., Rautela, K. S. (2016). Mapping Sustainable Tourism into Emergency Management Structure to Enhance Humanitarian Networks and Disaster Risk Reduction using Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Initiatives in Himalayan States: The Global Supply Chain Issues and Strategies. InDesigning and Implementing Global Supply Chain Management(pp. 129-151). IGI Global. Sadgrove, K. (2016).The complete guide to business risk management. Routledge. Sweeting, P. (2017).Financial enterprise risk management. Cambridge University Press. Tsai, C. H., LinLiu, S. C. (2017). Slopeland disaster risk management in tourism.Current Issues in Tourism,20(7), 759-786. Vlachopoulos, C., Andrikopoulos, G., Terentes-Printzios, D., Tzeis, S., Iliodromitis, E. K., Richter, D., ... Patsilinakos, S. (2017). Patients with acute coronary syndrome are at high risk prior to the event and lipid management is underachieved pre-and post-hospitalization.Current vascular pharmacology. Yokoe, D. S., Anderson, D. J., Berenholtz, S. M., Calfee, D. P., Dubberke, E. R., Ellingson, K. D., ... Lo, E. (2014). A compendium of strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections in acute care hospitals: 2014 updates.American journal of infection control,42(8), 820-828.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Critical Thinking Skills

Question: Share your perspective of critical thinking as a set of skills, characteristics, or practices. Are there items in your list that are more or less beneficial or important than others? Explain. How do comparison, contrast, and synthesis integrate into your view of critical thinking? Answer: Critical thinking as a set of skills: Dondlinger, Wilson, (2012) opined that critical thinking ability is nothing but combination of some specific skills. These skills include analyzing ability, ability to apply, and skill to identify similarities among various scenarios. Analyzing ability enables one to find the influencing factors behind a scenario. On other hand skill to identify similarities helps in relating new knowledge with past experiences. Apart from these, critical thinking ability also depends on skill of information gathering, logical ordering and ability to modify existing conceptions. According to McMillan Weyers (2013) skill of predicting the conclusions of a concept is also significant for ones critical thinking ability. Importance of skills: For the critical thinker all the aforementioned skills are important. Dondlinger, Wilson (2012) stated that predicting future consequences is beneficial as it may prevent significant losses. However, effectiveness of predicting depends on accurate analysis of information. The ability to identify similarities among different information helps to utilize past experiences as source of knowledge and thus it leads to better prediction. Apart from this ability to synthesize a situation also influences predicting ability as it enables a person to apply a concept in practical field. Importance of integrating comparison, contrast and synthesis: Comparison among concepts and information results identification of particular patterns or difficulties among various situations (Dondlinger Wilson, 2012). On basis of these findings one can use knowledge gained from previous experiences to find solution of a particular problem. On other hand, using the similarities and differences one can relate various situations. Integration of all these skills leads to practical application of a newly learned concept and also prediction of conclusion. References,. (2012). Critical Thinking : Academic Skills : University of Canberra. Retrieved 24 February 2015, from Dondlinger, M., Wilson, D. (2012). Creating an alternate reality: Critical, creative, and empathic thinking generated in the Global Village Playground capstone experience. Thinking Skills And Creativity, 7(3), 153-164. doi:10.1016/j.tsc.2012.02.001 McMillan, K., Weyers, J. (2013). How to improve your critical thinking reflective skills. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Right18000 Essays - Education, Behavior Modification, Learning

right18000 How to Help all Students Succeed Chapter 7: First Days of SCHOOL Kadeejah M. Johnson | Managing the Diverse Classroom | October 17, 2016 Unit B: The First Characteristic The most important day of any one's education is the first day of school. One student drops out of school every 27 seconds. Celebrating the first day is and should be a tradition of every educational system. A celebration should include parents and the business community; amongst the neighborhood as well. Welcome the children to school; student's comet to school with high expectations. The most influential time is that of meeting friends, participating, having fun, studying and learn. Everyon e inside the school should focus on planning the students welcome to school. The most successful venture of this is that young people become interrelated and express community team effort. There should be a list of the guidelines to follow in sense preparation. Teaching and s howing our students allows us as teachers to be open to the responsibility for one another and what we hope to gain from the school year. School is a unique place they are instantly where students come to listen to teachers. School is a concept at which students are welcome to learn and broaden the quality of their lives. The greatest gift is to give the opportunity to learn and grow in a loving and nurturing environment.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Discontinued Element Symbols

Discontinued Element Symbols This is a list of element symbols and names that are placeholders for final names or else are no longer in use. This list does not include element symbols or names that remain in use regionally, such as aluminum/aluminium or iodine/jod. A - Argon (18) Current symbol is Ar. Ab - Alabamine (85) Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. Am - Alabamium (85) Discredited claim to discovery of astatine. An - Athenium (99) Proposed name for einsteinium. Ao - Ausonium (93) Discredited claim to discovery of neptunium. Az - Azote (7) Former name for nitrogen. Bv - Brevium (91) Former name for protactinium. Bz - Berzelium (59) Suggested name for praseodymium. Cb - Columbium (41) Former name of niobium. Cb - Columbium (95) Suggested name for americium. Cp - Cassiopeium (71) Former name for lutetium. Cp is the symbol for element 112, Copernicium Ct - Centurium (100) Proposed name for fermium. Ct - Celtium (72) Former name of hafnium. Da - Danubium (43) Suggested name for technetium. Db - Dubnium (104) Proposed name for rutherfordium. The symbol and name were used for element 105. Eb - Ekaboron (21) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, scandium closely matched the prediction. El - Ekaaluminium (31) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, gallium closely matched the prediction. Em - Emanation (86) Also called radium emanation, the name was originally given by Friedrich Ernst Dorn in 1900. In 1923, this element officially became radon (the name given at one time to 222Rn, an isotope identified in the decay chain of radium). Em - Ekamangan (43) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, technetium closely matched the prediction. Es - Ekasilicon (32) Name given by Mendeleev to an as of then undiscovered element. When discovered, germanium closely matched the prediction. Es - Esperium (94) Discredited claim to discovery of plutonium. Fa - Francium (87) Current symbol is Fr. Fr - Florentium (61) Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. Gl - Glucinium (4) Former name of beryllium. Ha - Hahnium (105) Proposed name for dubnium. Ha - Hahnium (108) Proposed name for hassium. Il - Illinium (61) Discredited claim to discovery of promethium. Jg - Jargonium (72) Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. Jo - Joliotium (105) Proposed name for dubnium. Ku - Kurchatovium (104) Proposed name for rutherfordium. Lw - Lawrencium (103) Current symbol is Lr. M - Muriaticum (17) Former name of chlorine. Ma - Masurium (43) Disputed claim to discovery of technetium. Md - Mendelevium (97) Proposed name for berkelium. The symbol and name were later used for element 101. Me - Mendelevium (68) Suggested name for erbium. Ms - Masrium (49) Discredited claim of discovery of indium. Mt - Meitnium (91) Suggested name for protactinium. Mv - Mendelevium (101) Current symbol is Md. Ng - Norwegium (72) Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. Ni - Niton (86) Former name for radon. No - Norium (72) Discredited claim to discovery of hafnium. Ns - Nielsbohrium (105) Proposed name for dubnium. Ns - Nielsbohrium (107) Proposed name for bohrium. Nt - Niton (86) Suggested name for radon. Ny - Neoytterbium (70) Former name of ytterbium. Od - Odinium (62) Suggested name for samarium. Pc - Policium (110) Proposed name for darmstadtium. Pe - Pelopium (41) Former name for niobium. Po - Potassium (19) Current symbol is K. Rf - Rutherfordium (106) Proposed name for seaborgium. The symbol and name were instead used for element 104. Sa - Samarium (62) Current symbol is Sm. So - Sodium (11) Current symbol is Na. Sp - Spectrium (70) Suggested name for ytterbium. St - Antimony (51) Current symbol is Sb. Tn - Tungsten (74) Current symbol is W. Tu - Thulium (69) Current symbol is Tm. Tu - Tungsten (74) Current symbol is W. Ty - Tyrium (60) Suggested name for neodymium. Unb - Unnilbium (102) Temporary name given to nobelium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Une - Unnilennium (109) Temporary name given to meitnerium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unh - Unnilhexium (106) Temporary name given to seaborgium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uno - Unniloctium (108) Temporary name given to hassium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unp - Unnilpentium (105) Temporary name given to dubnium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unq - Unnilquadium (104) Temporary name given to rutherfordium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uns - Unnilseptium (107) Temporary name given to bohrium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unt - Unniltrium (103) Temporary name given to lawrencium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Unu - Unnilunium (101) Temporary name given to mendelevium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uub - Ununbium (112) Temporary name given to copernicium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uun - Ununnilium (110) Temporary name given to darmstadtium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Uuu - Unununium (111) Temporary name given to roentgenium until it was permanently named by IUPAC. Vi - Virginium (87) Discredited claim to discovery of francium. Vm - Virginium (87) Discredited claim to discovery of francium. Yt - Yttrium (39) Current symbol is Y. Placeholder names basically express the atomic number of an element. These names are replaced by official names once the IUPAC verifies the element discovery and approves a new name and element symbol.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Business Start Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

New Business Start Up - Essay Example As they are planning to introduce a totally new product and brand to consumers, they are anxious about the consumers' response and reaction. For that detailed survey was carried out. It must be notified that Radiant Co. products target skin conscious people of upper middle and upper class. Sample size focused on age groups of 15 onwards. The Survey primarily focused on age level between 15-25 because sun protection and beauty conscious people are mostly found in this age group. But other age groups were also explored to know their behavior. In the soap market many brands dominate the scene, making their presence felt in one way or the other either through aggressive advertising or promotional schemes. LUX dominates the soap market through its outstanding market share, as supported by the survey result its market domination is 51%. LUX with periodical revitalization of its brand has kept the product in the British for a long period of time. Therefore, LUX appears to be the major competition for Hibuty in the soap industry, especially when one of its soap is providing sunscreen formula as an additive feature. Next stands SAFEGUARD, with 23% market share. SAFEGUARD is gaining a lot of popularity as a medicated soap fighting germ all- round -the- clock. There is a future threat to Hibuty of its emerging as a new competitor, although not a direct one as SAFEGUARD presents itself as medicated rather a sun protective soap. Other soaps include Nivea Milk, English Lavender, Safeguard, Lifebouy and Dove. Most Influencing Factors in Soap Purchasing The major influencing factor of potential Hibuty customers, in making their purchasing decision for soap is GOOD QUALITY. 60% of the market gives performance of the soap a priority when buying it. Second most influencing factor determining their soap purchasing decision is brand loyalty with 25% of the market getting affected by it. Third factor being again brand loyalty (23%), fourth most influencing factor is easy availability (30%); fifth most affecting factor is less price (36.5%). Least most influencing factor is status of soap marked as imported (50%). Survey reveals that soap purchasing decision in not at very much influenced by foreign status of the soap. The survey shows that there is opportunity for any soap that offer good quality at reasonable price, potential customers of Hibuty are not very price conscious as they consider LESS PRICE option among the least influencing factors list. Commonly found skin type Survey purports that most common skin type found is oily with 40% of the customers having it. Normal skin types consist of 32% of the market, t-zone or combination skin (13%), sensitive (5%). Preference of fragrance in